Monday, December 15, 2008

Beasiswa Doktor 9 PhD Positions at Uppsala University, Sweden

Info Beasiswa S1 (undergraduate) S2 (master) S3 (doktor, phd) diploma scholarship PhD position in Complex Metal and Semiconductor Nanoclusters, stationed at MAX-lab Lund at the Department of Physics and Materials ScienceApplication no later than December 16, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/3086 PhD position in Medical Scienceat the Department of Medical SciencesApplication no later than December 17, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/2627 PhD position in Neuroscience within the subject of mechanisms of improved stress tolerance and welfare of farmed fishat the Department of NeuroscienceApplication no later than December 15, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/2928PhD student at the Department of Physics and Materials ScienceApplication no alter than January 30, 2009. UFV-PA 2008/3000Extended date of application PhD position within the IceCube projectat the Department of Physics and AstronomyApplication no later than January 15, 2009. UFV-PA 2008/2838PhD positions in theoretical physics, especially string theoryat the Depart
ment of Physics and AstronomyApplication no later than January 15, 2009. UFV-PA 2008/2833 PhD position in organic chemistry - organic nanochemistry and grapheneat the Department of biochemistry and organic chemistryApplication no later than December 15, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/2859 PhD position in microbial ecologyat the Department of ecology and evolutionApplication no later than January 7, 2009. UFV-PA 2008/2947PhD student in nuclear physics with emphasis on experimental hadron physicsat the Department of Physics and AstronomyApplication no later than December 15, 2008. UFV-PA 2008/2741

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